Jersey Swagger#
Adding the dependencies to your application#
Hooking up Swagger-Core in your Application#
Using a custom Application subclass#
public class JerseyApplication extends ResourceConfig {
public JerseyApplication() {
packages("", "");
Configure and Initialize Swagger#
Using Swagger’s Servlet in the web.xml#
A few things to note:
should reflect the version of your own API.swagger.api.basepath
should point to the context root of your API. This defers from server to server and how you configured your JAX-RS application.There’s no
for this servlet as it is only used for initialization and doesn’t actually expose any interface.
Swagger UI#
Swagger UI 2.x#
cp -avx swagger-ui-2.x/dist/ webapps/
vi index.html
Swagger UI 3.x#
Quick Annotation Overview#
Name | Description |
@Api | Marks a class as a Swagger resource. |
@ApiImplicitParam | Represents a single parameter in an API Operation. |
@ApiImplicitParams | A wrapper to allow a list of multiple ApiImplicitParam objects. |
@ApiModel | Provides additional information about Swagger models. |
@ApiModelProperty | Adds and manipulates data of a model property. |
@ApiOperation | Describes an operation or typically a HTTP method against a specific path. |
@ApiParam | Adds additional meta-data for operation parameters. |
@ApiResponse | Describes a possible response of an operation. |
@ApiResponses | A wrapper to allow a list of multiple ApiResponse objects. |
@Authorization | Declares an authorization scheme to be used on a resource or an operation. |
@AuthorizationScope | Describes an OAuth2 authorization scope. |
@ResponseHeader | Represents a header that can be provided as part of the response. |
The latest release also adds a number of annotations for adding extensions and metadata at the Swagger Definition level:
Name | Description |
@SwaggerDefinition | Definition-level properties to be added to the generated Swagger definition |
@Info | General metadata for a Swagger definition |
@Contact | Properties to describe the contact person for a Swagger definition |
@License | Properties to describe the license for a Swagger definition |
@Extension | Adds an extension with contained properties |
@ExtensionProperty | Adds custom properties to an extension |
Setting scan.all.resources#
CORS Support#