Password Pusher Docker#
An application to securely communicate passwords over the web. Passwords automatically expire after a certain number of views and/or time has passed. Track who, what and when.
# ephemeral Temporary database that is wiped on container restart.
docker run -d -p 5100:5100 pglombardo/pwpush:release
# using an External Postgres Database Postgres database backed instance.
docker run -d -p 5100:5100 pglombardo/pwpush:release -e DATABASE_URL=postgres://pwpush_user:pwpush_passwd@postgres:5432/pwpush_db
# using an External MariaDB (MySQL) Database Mariadb database backed instance.
docker run -d -p 5100:5100 pglombardo/pwpush:release -e DATABASE_URL=mysql2://pwpush_user:pwpush_passwd@mysql:3306/pwpush_db
docker run -d --name pwpush -p 5100:5100 --privileged=true pglombardo/pwpush:release
Docker Compose#
# One-liner Password Pusher with a Postgres Database
curl -s -o docker-compose.yml && docker compose up -d
# One-liner Password Pusher with a MariaDB (MySQL) Database
curl -s -o docker-compose.yml && docker compose up -d