Big Data#
- Apache
- Cloudera
- Flume
- Hadoop
- Enviornment Setup
- Command Reference
- MapReduce
- Streaming
- Multi-Node Cluster
- Installing Java
- Creating User Account
- Mapping the nodes
- Configuring Key Based Login
- Installing Hadoop
- Configuring Hadoop
- Installing Hadoop on Slave Servers
- Configuring Hadoop on Master Server
- Starting Hadoop Services
- Results
- Adding a New DataNode in the Hadoop Cluster
- Adding User and SSH Access
- Set Hostname of New Node
- Start the DataNode on New Node
- Removing a DataNode from the Hadoop Cluster
- References
- Azkaban Docker
- HBase
- Hive
- Impala
- Pig
- Pig Overview
- Pig Architecture
- Pig Installation
- Pig Execution
- Pig Grunt Shell
- Pig Latin Basics
- Pig Load & Store Operators
- Pig Diagnostic Operators
- Pig Group Operator
- Pig Cogroup Operator
- Pig Join Operator
- Pig Cross Operator
- Combining & Splitting
- Filtering
- Sorting
- Pig Eval Functions
- Pig Load & Store Functions
- Pig Bag & Tuple Functions
- Pig String Functions
- Pig Date-time Functions
- Pig Math Functions
- Pig User Defined Functions
- Pig Running Scripts
- Kafka
- Solr
- Spark
- Storm
- Storm笔记
- 1.1 Storm简介
- 1.2 Storm特性
- 2.1 Storm体系结构
- 2.2 Storm架构图
- 3.1 Storm集群环境搭建
- 4.1 Storm Hello World
- 5.1 Storm API
- 5.2 Storm拓扑
- 5.3 Storm拓扑配置
- 5.4 Storm流分组
- 5.5 Storm WordCount
- 5.6 Storm Spout的可靠性
- 6.1 RPC介绍
- 6.2 Storm DRPC介绍
- 6.3 Storm DRPC配置和示例
- 6.4 Storm DRPC实例场景
- 7.1 Storm Trident介绍
- 7.2 Storm Trident functions
- 7.3 Storm Trident filters
- 7.4 Storm Trident projections
- 7.5 Trident repartitioning operations
- 7.6 Trident Partition aggregate
- 7.7 Batch和Spout与Transactional
- 8.1 Storm与Kafka
- 8.2 Kafka相关术语介绍
- 8.3 Kafka安装与使用
- 8.4 Kafka-Manager-Console安装
- 9.1 Storm与Redis
- References
- Storm官方文档
- Storm网摘笔记
- Storm笔记