Konga Docker#
Using Docker#
Prepare the database
docker run --rm --network=kong-net \
-c prepare
-a postgres
-u postgres://konga@konga-database:5432/konga
Start Konga
$ docker run -p 1337:1337
--network {{kong-network}} \ // optional
-e "TOKEN_SECRET={{somerandomstring}}" \
-e "DB_ADAPTER=the-name-of-the-adapter" \ // 'mongo','postgres','sqlserver' or 'mysql'
-e "DB_HOST=your-db-hostname" \
-e "DB_PORT=your-db-port" \ // Defaults to the default db port
-e "DB_USER=your-db-user" \ // Omit if not relevant
-e "DB_PASSWORD=your-db-password" \ // Omit if not relevant
-e "DB_DATABASE=your-db-name" \ // Defaults to 'konga_database'
-e "DB_PG_SCHEMA=my-schema"\ // Optionally define a schema when integrating with prostgres
-e "NODE_ENV=production" \ // or 'development' | defaults to 'development'
--name konga \
// Alternatively you can use the full connection string to connect to a database
$ docker run -p 1337:1337
--network {{kong-network}} \ // optional
-e "TOKEN_SECRET={{somerandomstring}}" \
-e "DB_ADAPTER=the-name-of-the-adapter" \ // 'mongo','postgres','sqlserver' or 'mysql'
-e "DB_URI=full-connection-uri" \
-e "NODE_ENV=production" \ // or 'development' | defaults to 'development'
--name konga \
The GUI will be available at http://{your server's public ip}:1337
Docker Compose#