CentOS Installation

Oracle VM VirtualBox


  1. 新建

    • 类型:Linux

    • 版本:Red Hat(64-bit)

  2. 内存大小:1024MB

  3. 现在创建虚拟硬盘

  4. VDI

  5. 固定大小

  6. 20GB

  7. 创建


  1. 存储,属性,分配光驱:CentOS-6.10-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso

  2. 网络,网卡1,连接方式:桥接网卡

CentOS 6.x


  1. Install or upgrade an existing system

  2. Disc Found: Skip

  3. Next

  4. English

  5. U.S. English

  6. Basic Storage Devices

  7. Yes, discard any data

  8. Hostname

  9. Configure Network

    • System eth0, Edit

    • Connect automatically

    • IPv4 Settings:

      • Method: Manual

      • Address:

      • Netmask:

      • Gateway:

      • DNS servers:

  10. Asia/Shanghai

  11. Root Password

  12. Create Custom Layout

  13. Hard Drives:

    • /: 10240MB

    • swap: 1024MB(File System Type: swap)

    • /home: Fill to maximum allowable size

  14. Format

  15. Write changes to disk

  16. Next

  17. Desktop


  1. Forward

  2. Yes, I agree to the License Agreement

  3. Username, Password

  4. Data and Time: Forward

  5. Kdump: Finish

CentOS 8.x

Oracle VM VirtualBox: 30GB


  1. Install CentOS Linux 8

  2. Continue

  3. Time & Date: Asia/Shanghai

  4. Installation Destination -> Storage Configuration: Custom

  5. Done

  6. Standard Partition:

    • /: 20480

    • /boot: 1024

    • swap: 1024

    • /home:

  7. Done -> Accept Changes

  8. Network & Host Name:

    • Host Name: centos8

    • Ethernet: ON

    • Configure…

  9. Begin Installation

  10. Root Password

  11. User Creation: Make this user administrator

  12. Reboot