CAS Note#

CAS Config Server#

git clone
git chekcout 5.x
./ bootrun
Parameter Description
/encrypt Accepts a POST to encrypt CAS configuration settings.
/decrypt Accepts a POST to decrypt CAS configuration settings.
/refresh Accepts a POST and attempts to refresh the internal state of configuration server.
/env Accepts a GET and describes all configuration sources of the configuration server.
/cas/default Describes what the configuration server knows about the default settings profile.
/cas/native Describes what the configuration server knows about the native settings profile.
/bus/refresh Reload the configuration of all CAS nodes in the cluster if the cloud bus is turned on.
/bus/env Sends key/values pairs to update each CAS node if the cloud bus is turned on.
curl -u casuser:Mellon http://localhost:8888/casconfigserver/cas/native
curl -u casuser:Mellon http://localhost:8888/casconfigserver/env

CAS Management#

git clone
./ package
./ run

