MySQL Math Functions#
Returns the absolute value of a number
SELECT ABS(-10), ABS(0), ABS(10);
#SELECT productName, productLine,msrp,ABS(ROUND(msrp - AVG(msrp) OVER(PARTITION BY productLine))) deviation FROM products ORDER BY productName;
SELECT productName, productLine,msrp,ABS(ROUND(msrp - AVG(msrp))) deviation FROM products GROUP BY productLine ORDER BY productName;
Returns the smallest integer value greater than or equal to the input number (n).
SELECT productLine, CEIL(AVG(msrp)) averageMsrp FROM products GROUP BY productLine ORDER BY averageMsrp;
Returns the largest integer value not greater than the argument
SELECT FLOOR(1.59);-- 1
SELECT FLOOR(-1.59);-- -2
SELECT productLine, FLOOR(AVG(quantityInStock)) averageStock FROM products GROUP BY productLine ORDER BY averageStock;
Returns the remainder of a number divided by another
SELECT MOD(11, 3);
SELECT 11 % 3;
SELECT MOD(10.5, 3);
SELECT orderNumber,SUM(quantityOrdered) Qty,IF(MOD(SUM(quantityOrdered),2),'Odd','Even') oddOrEven FROM orderdetails GROUP BY orderNumber ORDER BY orderNumber;
Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.
SELECT ROUND(20.5);-- 21
SELECT ROUND(20.5, 0);-- 21
SELECT ROUND(121.55,-2);-- 100
SELECT ROUND(10.5);-- 11
SELECT ROUND(10.6);-- 11
SELECT ROUND(-10.5);-- -11
SELECT ROUND(-10.6);-- -11
SELECT ROUND(10.4);-- 10
SELECT ROUND(-10.4);-- -10
SELECT productCode,AVG(quantityOrdered * priceEach) avg_order_item_value FROM orderDetails GROUP BY productCode;
SELECT productCode,ROUND(AVG(quantityOrdered * priceEach)) avg_order_item_value FROM orderDetails GROUP BY productCode;
Truncates a number to a specified number of decimal places
SELECT TRUNCATE(1.999,1), ROUND(1.999,1);
Name | Description |
ACOS(n) | Returns the arc cosine of n or null if n is not in the range -1 and 1. |
ASIN(n) | Returns the arc sine of n which is the value whose sine is n. It returns null if n is not in the range -1 to 1. |
ATAN() | Returns the arc tangent of n. |
ATAN2(n,m), ATAN(m,n) | Returns the arc tangent of the two variables n and m |
CONV(n,from_base,to_base) | Converts a number between different number bases |
COS(n) | Returns the cosine of n, where n is in radians |
COT(n) | Returns the cotangent of n. |
CRC32() | Computes a cyclic redundancy check value and returns a 32-bit unsigned value |
DEGREES(n) | Converts radians to degrees of the argument n |
EXP(n) | Raises to the power of e raised to power of n |
LN(n) | Returns the natural logarithm of n |
LOG(n) | Returns the natural logarithm of the first argument |
LOG10() | Returns the base-10 logarithm of the argument |
LOG2() | Returns the base-2 logarithm of the argument |
PI() | Returns the value of PI |
POW() | Returns the argument raised to the specified power |
POWER() | Returns the argument raised to the specified power |
RADIANS() | Returns argument converted to radians |
RAND() | Returns a random floating-point value |
SIGN(n) | Returns the sign of n that can be -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether n is negative, zero, or positive. |
SIN(n) | Returns the sine of n |
SQRT(n) | Returns the square root of n |
TAN(n) | Returns the tangent of n |